(no subject)

Oct 01, 2010 17:07

I was just reading an article on yahoo about US medical experiments on Guatemalans 60 years ago. Almost 700 patients at a mental hospital were injected with STDs and observed. H Clinton and Sebelius gave a joint statement apologizing for what they called, "abhorrent research practices." There's more to say on this issue, but that's not what I'm here for. As per usual, someone had to write something utterly ignorant in the comments. Today it was Steve.
"It's horrible that it happened, but to deliberately open up a 64 year old wound that most are unaware of is pretty stupid. Horray, give the world another reason to hate the US. /sarcasm"
CHIRST. What the hell is wrong with you, Steve? And how did this get 474 thumbs up, and only 321 down? This isn't even the first time I've seen this. It's like if something happened more than ten years back, it doesn't exist to most people.

bigotry, i don't even

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