May 20, 2011 20:50

neutral; he doesn't dislike you but he's not especially fond of you either. you're just another human in his eyes.

casual acquaintance. he doesn't mind you terribly but he still wouldn't really consider you a friend.

he enjoys your company and would consider you a friend but is still reserved around you.

he cares for you a great deal and would consider you one of his best friends.

crush; he either has/had a friendcrush on you or a romantic crush. he Likes you a lot, okay.

romantic; you two are in a relationship and he would catch a grenade for you.

you could drop dead and he would not give a fuck. you have pissed him off beyond redemption at one point.

worship partners. you two have done the nasty at one point for whatever reason.

canonmate/characters from the pkmn series/other pkmn trainers.


jun kurosu
leave all your love and your longing behind; you can't carry it with you if you want to survive.

kaworu nagisa
you'd like to stay in heaven but the rules are too tough.

izaya orihara
your red eye sees no pain.

oerba dia vanille
i'm in deep, friend, so let the music do the talking now.

gokudera hayato
i'm always in this twilight, in the shadow of your heart.

and i don't need the devil, i've got you instead.

shizuo heiwajima
a kick in the teeth is better for some.

faize sheifa beleth
the stars, the moon, they have all been blown out.

snow villiers
we don't need a storm when we're making our own thunder.

as the mourners pass me, i will smile and wave.

tsubasa hanekawa
i loved you from the start.

takeshi yamamoto
he sent me pearls and roses.

a kiss with a fist is better than none.

atom to atom, can you feel it on me love?

claire "vino" stanfield
hate to think what'd happen if i started to drink like you.

lion ushiromiya
shake it off, shake it off, shake it off, shake it off.

!zodion, *cr chart

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