Oct 30, 2007 08:49
I am such a total screw up.
So on Sunday night, John set the alarm clock wrong (he mixed up a.m. and p.m. for the running time setting), so he woke up at 6:58 a.m. on Monday (the clock said it was 6:58 p.m., which is why his alarm - set for 6 a.m. - didn't go off). So he woke up 2 minutes before he needed to be at work, which made for a hectic morning. (It takes him about 20-25 minutes to get to work, on top of getting dressed and stuff.)
When I left the house to go to work, my car didn't want to turn over (i.e. start). I stopped to pick up the mail and, again, it didn't want to start. Terrified to stop for gas in case it wouldn't start this time, I went straight to work.
At the end of my day... well, you can read my previous post about what happened at the end of my day. That wasn't happy.
After work, I went straight to my parents' house to have my dad look at my car. On his way to bring my car battery to his friend's shop (to check the battery and see if that was my problem), my mom and dad started fighting (which is always fun). My dad was gone for about an hour, and when he got home he told me that as soon as he touched the battery with the sensor-thingie, it said it needed to be replaced.
So then it was off to buy a new battery. My dad took me to Wal*Mart and showed me which battery I needed to buy. Then he stuck it in my car for me (which was a good thing) and took me and Mom to dinner at Applebee's (another good thing, except the food I ordered was disgusting... Oh well.)
Last night, I got home at about quarter to ten. I made John hug me for a while (which made me feel a little better) and decided "tomorrow can't possibly be worse, so it has to be better," and went to bed. Before going to sleep, though, I made extra-sure that the clock was set completely right (good thing, too, because my alarm was set for 5:30 p.m. instead of 7 a.m. like it should have been...) So, thinking hopeful thoughts about the day to come, I went to sleep. And for once, I actually slept through the night without waking up once.
Which turns out to be a bad thing, since I woke up at 7:54 this morning. John's alarm didn't go off at 6, and mine didn't go off at 7 -- because, despite my careful setting of the clock and alarms, I forgot to flip the little switch that actually turns the alarm ON. >.<;; FZCK!
I would up throwing on clothes (the shirt I put on is light pink, and has this big red felt-tip marker stain on it, which I failed to notice in my rush to get dressed...) and throwing my hair up into a ponytail so you can't tell (as much) that I didn't bathe this morning. So I'm wearing a stained shirt, and haven't washed my hair since Sunday evening. I didn't have time to eat breakfast or anything, so my stomach HURTS with hungry - and it's only 9:02, which means another 3 hours until lunchtime.
John was really sweet about it, though. I was crying and he got my coat and keys for me to save me time so I wouldn't be so late. Then he sent me out that door, smiling and telling me to "Go bring home the bacon." He said he's going to just stay home from work today (since he's so late already) and do laundry and maybe clean up our room a little bit. So that's a plus, I guess, since we really need to do laundry as we're both running out of clean clothes. Though I guess it doesn't matter if I have clean work-clothes after Friday...
Man, I hope my next job has a casual dress code. Or, I hope that, but I don't, because generally the business-casual dress code = higher paying job, but... Yeah, I dunno. Whatever. When I get home today, I have about eight jobs I need to email my resume to/call.
And I sincerely hope that the rest of today goes better... x.x;;