New LJ.
http://www.livejournal.com/users/its_a_lie/ I don't know if that little code thingers gonna work and I can't look and see either because LJ won't let me. I don't understand what's wrong with it. Maybe it's my browser or something. I mean, I logged out of this username and I created the other, and then I clicked...something, maybe update. And guess what! It said I was still logged in as Freebird212! I don't understand. And it won't let me see recent updates. It won't let me see my recent updates, it won't let me see my friend's recent updates. I don't understand what's wrong with it. Maybe I should ask mantenance or something. Well, go check out my new LJ that I can't see. If it looks terrible, it's because I can't see it to fix it.
Does anyone know what I should do about all of this LJ stuff?