Libel as an instrument in fighting with political “extremism”. Case of Nizhny Novgorod antifascists

Feb 09, 2012 14:52
Libel as an instrument in fighting with political “extremism”.
Case of Nizhny Novgorod antifascists and “antiextremists” methods of working.
Daniil Dugum
A criminal case, complained by Nizhny Novgorod anti-extremist centre, have
already made a lot of noise in mass-media. Political police didn’t manage
to keep malignant procedural violations, falsifications and tortures, made
during arrests of Nizhny Novgorod antifascists.
As a result “anti-extremist fighters” decided to return to this
information in mass-media with another portion of lies against our
comrades: on the site of a local police department appeared an article
reporting “achievements” of Nizhny Novgorod political police, who managed
to expose an extremist group. An unbelievable flight of fancy of the
police officers gave birth to this masterpiece of fantasy literature,
where antifascists turned out to be exponents of nationalism and even
committed attacks “on motives of racial, national or religious hate”, and
anarchists are members of an organization with a precise hierarchy, strict
discipline and regulations and moreover “system of punishment”!
Anyone who lives in our society and managed to keep his mind intact
realizes what a nonsense this story is. But a person who is far from
politics usually knows a little about the methods of a punitive agencies
in getting new epaulets, how they fulfill their plans and make a career.
This article will tell you about true conditions in the “Nizhny
Novgorod-Antifas” case and also about the way they “work”.
Glory to Nizhny Novgorod Police!
I’m from Nizhny Novgorod and travelling rather often all over the
Commonwealth of Independent States I’m quite accustomed to questions about
violations of people rights by Nizhny Novgorod polices. Social activists,
antifascists, human rights activists from other towns - everybody knows
about the tortures and illegal arrests of antifascists in Nizhny Novgorod.
From the moment when Nizhny Novgorod football club “Volga” reached the
premier-league, local riot squads became famous in the football fans
midst. Nizhny Novgorod is often called “Riot-Squad-City”.
Nizhny Novgorod riot squad breaks up the protest action

Information about we have about crying incidents of police violence is
only a top of an iceberg, not the esse of a pathology but just a sign.
Problem of political violence is rooted in the structure of repressive
organs of authorities. And “Nizhny Novgorod Antifas” case is also only a
sign of a disease, which infected our society and not only our town. At
first let us come to know with the main figures of the case.
Who is Artem Bystrov?
Artem - is the main suspected in this case. We became acquainted with him
during the Food Not Bombs action. He was an unchangeable participant of
FNB actions during more than 2 years. Hundreds of indigent, poor,
throughout people thanks to him and his friends got a portion of hot fresh
food and together with that a little portion of human treatment. Tall,
athletic, blonde, a “mountain-guy” - a typical description of a Russian
man in Hollywood films. Despite of the fact that he easily can act as a
Slavonic hero he is a sincere antiracist. That’s why he often participated
in antifascist pickets. It’s a natural part of his views: confession of
rights of any living being to live freely. He is vegan because of that, he
could be met at animal rights and ecological actions. Moreover he became a
straight edger what means: no cigarettes, no alcohol, no to any other
drugs. A person with so active living position a priori will have troubles
with political police. For the “Anti-extremist Centre” having any display
of your social activity is a reason to be marked and in case - to be a
scapegoat for receiving more stars on their epaulets.
Artem Bystrov - a person with clear antiracist views.
Nizhny Novgorod Case as a sign and diagnosis.
On the 26th of April at 6 o’clock in the morning police illegally
investigated flats of Nizhny Novgorod social activists and antifascists.
Five guys and a girl were detained. Seven flats were searched. The police
arrested Artem Bystrov, he was made the main suspected person in the case
about an attack on a neo-nazi Red’kin. In July 2010 Artem Bystrov was an
accused in another case about an aggression against Red’king but it was
closed and the “victim” told that he had no claims against the accused.
However in October 2010 Red’kin again became a participant of a conflict.
This time he received a knife injury in his hand but didn’t apply to
police. In spring of 2011 Nizhny Novgorod political police had to improve
their statistics of crime detection. They kidnapped Red’kin and pressed
him to write an application on the persons who officers appointed to be
guilty of an attack. During the identification parade Red’kin didn’t
identify Bystrov. However police found another appropriate witness - a
guardian of a café not far away from the incident. He, somehow, identified
Artem, who had a mask on his face during the identification process.
Artem remained 6 months under a house arrest. Judgement deciding about the
preventive punishment was a real performance. Political police officers
tried to draw a deep-rooted criminals from the detained young people and
send most of them into isolator. For one of them they demanded custody as
he allegedly had already had former conviction. In fact they knew quite
well that it’s not true and an attorney managed to prove it easily. Artem
managed to evade isolator by good characteristics written by his neighbors
and employees.
It’s quite obvious that the case was fabricated. First of all, the victim
disclaimed to appeal to police, he was made to do it. Secondly during the
arrests there were numbers of procedural infractions. For example they
entered in one of the flats through the window for the sake of a search
and spent 20 minutes there not letting search witness to come in. Thirdly,
and this is a culmination of a heroic struggle of Nizhny Novgorod
political police with “extremism” is that as a result of these searches
certificates of mythical organization “RASH-ANTIFA” were found out. They
had to plant them to develop a more complicated case from a simple
hooligan attack to a case connected with an organized criminal group of
radical extremists. At last, Artem told his attorney that from the first
day of arrest he was pressed to give evidences against his friends who,
allegedly, attacked a injured neo-nazi Red’kin, but Artem disclaimed.
Just another case of Nizhny Novgorod political police falls to pieces. And
in order to make Artem Bystrov an extremist police finds a new accusation
against him. This time the impute to him an aggression against Aleksin and
his girl-friend Gorelova, that happened in summer last year. But there is
a little problem, that Artem Bystrov was at his working place at that time
and it’s irrefutably evident by witnesses. As a result we are sure that
actions of Nizhny Novgorod Anti-extremist centre must result in many
criminal cases against them. So many abuses, falsifications and frank
crimes must have juridical consequences. The fear of that induces
“extremist fighter” to lie in mass media about mythical organization
Trying to avoid Anti-extremist Centre’s violence 2 people went into
hiding. In the case of a catch tortures await them.

нижегородское дело, репрессии

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