Resizing Images

Sep 23, 2005 20:22

I know this is very very basic but during my work as an admin of message boards I had to find out that there are still many people out there who have not yet dealt with images and how to manipulate them.

All you experienced folks out there - just ignore it ;)

// How to change the size of an image //

First of...

I use IRFANVIEW for most of my basic work with images. It's neat and fast, doing a pretty good job, especially with compressing and best of all - it's complete freeware. So go there, download either the program and the plugins and install it right away. This should be done within a few minutes.

Now let's start work...

# 01 Start Irfanview and open the image you want to change size of. (simply go "File >> Open" // press O // Drag&Drop Image into the Irfan-window)

it should look like that now...

# 02 Choose Image >> Resize/Resample like that

then a window pops open like this one..

Go ahead and change the size of your image as you want it. Then press ok

# 03 Now a part that should not be underastimated - saving the image.

Go File >> "Save as.."

You have to decide what quality you want and what filesize you need (a small one?). However - usually it's not so hard to decide because with the format .jpg and a compression rate of 94% you get a pretty satisfying result for everything. Don't pay much attention on the other settings for now.

Just click "save" (the one with the red circle around saying "Speichern". As my PC is set up in German all those buttons show up like that and it should be done.)

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