This will be the first, last and most likely only public post in this community.
First of all, Welcome to free_stuff!!!!
This community is devoted to supplying its members with the best free legit offers and cheapest places to buy things.
To apply you must submit an entry with the following:
Free offer:
It is only fair that those who wish to see the free offers bring something to the table. If it is already known about, you will be asked to supply a new one.
As stated before, I want all the posts here to be friends only, not to be exclusive, but to encourge people to find and bring offers, and keep the community active. The ONLY reason that I would say no to anyone is a lack of contribution.
Please know now, any public, or private post made here will be given 24 hours to be corrected, and then deleted.
Please check the user information for the other rules here.
With that said, I hope you find exactly what you're looking for here at free_stuff.
Your mod,