Sep 17, 2005 14:56
So I had an amazing night last night...luckily no hang over which i think was prevented by Dancing my ass off 100 times more than I did at the convention. I was invited to Laura's for a fun gathering of people. DId a bunch of homework before hand at Riss' apartment and then got Chipotle for dinner and then headed over for a fun night. I had fun singing "I wanna fuck you like an Animal" in the car. A Bunch of really cool people were there. We got into some funny conversations about how a huge percentage of donated blood just gets thrown away and then we talked about how doctors are fucking idiots then we got talking about the skins which was a random transition and then as more people showed up the drinking began. I have needed a night like this in I don't know how long. I didn't even chase except once. I had long conversations with people and this guy Adam and I talked for I don't even know how long... he pretty much was staying around me until he had to go. It was funny cause u could tell that even though he had told his designated driver he had to leave early , when it was time to go he was like ummm i can stay longer it's was like he was trying to stay cause of me. It amused me quite a bit. We talked about my college life, my interests in music and theater and psych and why I wanted to do that and then talked about my brother randy's experience with theater and his career path and then we just talked about other stuff. I forget how and why we got talking about relationships but that made me laugh too cause I was like hahaha woot we couldn't avoid the drunk talk of relationships i love it! He was really nice about it all though. Although we had an easy time talking and i could have led it to being a potential for something else that night...i just wasn't attracted enough and didn't see enough sparks to make me forget or make me truly be comfortable in doing something. Whatever it was nice and he gave me a hug good bye. Riss, Laura, Michele, and a bunch of other people all started dancing cause the best dance music came on. Once We heard "Play that funky music white boy" It was all about the dancing. Oh but before that i forgot to mention that running around in circle in a field is was so fucking humid inside the house and out that I almost know what Jen felt when she was hugging that sink so long at Denise's party because I did the same thing to a car for a while....but then i couldn't stay away from dancing. "Everybody Love's kung foo fighting" came on as well. Oh what a funny dance i did to that. Then "MMMbop!" I have never had so much fun with that song in my entire life. Oh but a funny part was we left the dance scene once and then when we came back once the song "Love! Love will keep us together!" and it also has that part that goes "Stop! Cause i really love you. Stop! I've been thinking of you. look in your heart and let love! keep us together"...yeah that song... I was laughing my ass off at the fact of all songs that came on....but even better was one of the last songs of the night.....didn't expect it but.... "I will survive" came on...... let's just say I belted the shit out of that song to the point that my vocal chords hurt like hell afterwards but it was so worth it. Oh man it was so fun to dance to that. Then we danced to sublime and a bunch of other stuff... I had a fun night.
Today was so far way too quiet for my taste. But I am going to go out with Heather hopefully tonight and maybe other people. I plan on trying to take a long walk on the lake in Montgomery Village. I have missed that lake... and I need to find some peace in some place out in nature. Honestly if i could I would drive out to Sandy Point...that place was the only place I wanted to go to today...and just sit there forever...not come home if I wanted...just lay there...that's all. I will someday...unfortuantely my car getting process has been post poned for another week. The car I was gonna get has too many problems to have it be worth fixing up so my dad is working with his connections with a patient of his who owns a Darcars and see about getting me a better we shall see. I am just getting anxious. I am still working on my music. Working on another new song already... I really need guitar for it but I guess i don't have that connection anymore so i will deal without it. A co worker of mine is helping me get into a studio. He has some connections and I wanna put 5 songs on a demo CD and then start looking for venues. It makes me excited. So yeah I am going out to Heather's and I am going to by a bunch of CD's out the wazoo...ok maybe not that many but CD's I am dying to have and have been dying to have... One is the new Fall Out Boy CD.... can't help that I absolutely can't get them out of my head all of a sudden. I am also getting My Chemical Romance and hopefully some other CD...not sure which one but i am gonna try and stick to three CD's max today... Oy not in the mood for work tomorrow but I shall do it anyway. Anything else going on? no not really those are my new developments as of now...anything more happens I will be sure to inform u all.
btw the subject is my music thought process as of now cause I am listening to cold play and then have Fall out Boy playing in my head as the second part is fall out boy if u couldn't guess....oh man my mind is multi tasking way too much