Plz Ask Your MP to Sign EDM 112 on Gaza

Dec 05, 2008 22:14

Early Day Motion on Gaza blockade
Please ask your MP to sign.


"That this House notes the appalling humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip, which UN officials have described as the worst crisis to have befallen the 1.5 million Palestinians of Gaza; further notes that Israel has prevented basic humanitarian supplies from entering the Gaza Strip, including some medicines, clothing for children and essential spare parts; further notes that prohibited items even include some foodstuffs; is extremely concerned that hospitals are running short of fuel supplies, and that this threatens basic health care, including babies in incubators; considers that this blockade is a form of collective punishment in fundamental breach of international law; calls upon the Government to insist on the immediate ending of the blockade of the Gaza Strip both on the Israel-Gaza and Egypt-Gaza borders; and further calls on the Government to support all efforts to bring about a permanenet ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, including a complete cessation of violence by all parties including rocket attacks on Israel and attacks on Gaza by Israeli military forces."


Reports on the humantiarian situaion in Gaza

From UN OCHA -P r o t e c t i o n o f C i v i l i a n s We e k l y R e p o r t

See also report on UNRWA's assessment

Interview with UNRWA Commissioner-General, Karen Abu Zayd

To see who has signed the EDM please click here.

Click here for how to find out how to contact your MP and tips on letter writing

What is an EDM?

Early day motion (EDM) is a colloquial term for a notice of motion given by a Member for which no date has been fixed for debate. EDMs exist to allow Members to put on record their opinion on a subject and canvass support for it from fellow Members. In effect, the primary function of an EDM is to form a kind of petition that MPs can sign. It can act as a useful lobbying tool if the EDM gains a large number of signatures.

CAABU serves as the Official Secretariat to the Britain-Palestine All Party Parliamentary Group.

The Council for Arab-British Understanding promotes an enlightened and positive approach to Arab-British relations in Government, Parliament, the Media, education and amongst the wider public. We are the oldest and largest organisation of its type in Europe having been set up in 1967. We strive hard to build on the historical, political and cultural links between the Arab world and Britain.
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T: 0207 832 1322
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The Group's AGM was held on 9h July 2008. The following officers were re-elected

Officers of the BPAPPG
Chair: Richard Burden MP
Vice-Chairs: Crispin Blunt MP and Colin Breed MP
Treasurer: Christine Russell MP
Secretary: Dr Brian Iddon MP

For the latest BPAPPG newsletter (Nov 2008)
see  the CAABU website - click here

The Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding Limited, Company Limited by guarantee. Company Number: 5047247
Registered in England and Wales, Registered Office: 1 Gough Square, London EC4A 3DE

human rights abuses, gaza

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