Sep 15, 2004 11:27
SO yea... I miss Brian. He's so perfect for you have no idea...hehe. Best of all...he makes random animal noises and laughs at me....IT IS GERRRR-Rate! Spelling errors rock!
School blows...I am trying to drop this Child Development class that I am in but they wont let me cause I dont have another class during that day and Mr. Larson was suposed to send in my application for a 5th period internship...but it's been like 2 weeks and he still hasn't done basically I have to sit through the mostest boringest class for no reason cause my teacher is lazy. O-well Mira is in that class and she is wicked funny. We were trying to assemble a lesson plan for the preschoolers that are coming in, in like 2 weeks and we found a box that was labeled...full grown fetus...we wanted to see it sooo frickin bad. She is kindda on the short side and she had a kid in our class lift her up to try and get it. The teacher caught them and yelled at them. *sigh* What a party pooper.
I fell in the hallway sucked. I was in a skirt and flip flops too. Someone left juice spilled all over the hallway and during passing time I sliped and fell on my face. *Crys* The only thing that sucks worse is that I sliped on water again today in a different skirt and flip flops during pottery class. The girl next to me started to laugh. I was really kindda pissed. *sniffle* I am having a bad week. I can't imagine how my interview at rainbow graphics is going to go on Friday when I can't walk down the hallways during the school day. They'll never give me this internship. *sigh*
But yea...that's about it. I had like 10 dollars on my cell last night but after I was done texting I was at like 7.60. 10 cents a text...that's a lot of texts if you think about it. *Poor*
*Hearts Brian Hearts*
Gonna go now. Love yall