WOOOO WEEKENDS. This entry will be cut into manymany cuts. cos it's pretty long. First up, personal views on academics, future education and Alvls.
Am I the only one who's honestly not aiming for straightAs? It's not that I'm scared to aim high, or putting up a modest front, I'm just being honest about what I deserve considering the effort I'd put in, and considering how i've been faring. No harm in hoping and praying for an A in phys, but whoa. That'll be one heck of a prayer man.
And frankly, I don't care what I get as long as I can get to NUSFASS. That one special course. If I can't get in, I'll retake my As. (but Ive gotta admit that it's pathetic if I cant make it for that course. Seriously, i doubt anyone in our school is considering it haha. Yeah it's that "unprestigious")
My parents and I know that I still want to be on the medical front. But after prioritising ahemA7Xahem over my As, I realised that I don't want it that bad. Not yet. I wanna be free to do what I want in my youth. Im not ready to get strapped to the grindstone for another 6 years! If i really get into that NUS course, I'll work hard (I can't imagine i wont) and try for Dukes-NUS. Yup it's like USA's system of Pre-Med. Maybe by then I'll be more mature and ready to hang up my party hats (figuratively. cos i dont party(:) and focus on studies.
Take one step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time.
It's like those plants that grow after forest fires. It's as if ALL HOPE IS GONE (ALL HAIL SLIPKNOT) and then 2yrs later, you see flowers blooming. Who's to say that after screwing up my formal education, I won't get further than others? I'll forge my own path thxvrymuch.
Anyway. Read some of my letters from secsch. All those classtray letters.
Was I so different then? As much as I seem to think that I've become a more open and less unassuming person, Ive been misleading myself. How is it then, that I was friends with people of all sorts of character? I even have letters from people whom the rest of the class don't like. And now, I secretly laugh at those awkward few. Mean. I know. But it's clear how somewhat stronger personalities have changed me. Talk about not succumbing to peer pressure. I think it was the worst in J1.
And maybe it's the whole JC vs secsch thing again. I had friends then that I don't even know now. I had some friends that I even forgot existed. Oops. Noone can hold on to everyone, but wow. We actually sent cards, gave each other socks, bought chocs, made things out of wires and stuff for each other? What happened to the people that we once were? Boys make girls do stupid things. And girls stupidly do those things. Haha Im one to speak.
But thank goodness for the constants.
1) Was sick on monday. Couln't sleep at night, so Tues papers felt awful for me. Tues night, bodytemp went through the roof. The bulk of 2 consecutive double-paper days is too much la. Lost my voice. Found it! Ate prata and talked too much! Lost it.
2) BLACK OUT WHILE STUDYING AT HOME. DAMN FUN. OH. Last weekends EPL was like RETURN OF THE UNDERDOGS. or. UNDERDOGS GONE WILD. that's quite porno. like COLLEGE GIRLS GONE WILD. Also. OBAMA! Really hope he can deliver things other than speeches.
3) Was about to cross the junction btwn J8 and Bus Interchange. Was almost red light for pedestrians. I hesitated (Ive always hated jaywalking) and then. WHOOOSH. THE AWESOME AVENGER! This damn cool wheelchairbound guy just wheeled himself right past all the other pedestrians! He didn't care if there were any cars he just crossed the road before the light turned red. WHOA. RESPECT AH. That's the way to live! Take chances!
And it makes me feel that despite having both legs intact, at that point of time, I had so much less than that guy who had lost both his legs. When you think that you've got sth special, others show you that they have other things too. Looking at it in perspective, you're never better off, nor worse off. Things feel much nicer when you start living with that(:
ALSO. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN OF THE JUNGLE YOURE 18! AND YOU TOO UNCLE NGUANSEN (though ive no idea how old you are. maybe i should ask your daughter, who reminded me to bring my IC into the exam hall, but not my pencilbox, and made me ruuuuuun back to my lockers to get them.)