Apr 24, 2008 13:56
By the bye, my cds came in the other day. I'm pretty psyched because they're awesome! I'm especially into the Bond cd right now, though I had a wonderful time listening to the Carman cd and have been familiarizing myself with my new David Crowder Band cd.
I was glad to discover that "Bella Donna" by Bond was the mystery waltz I heard once at a Latin Dance Club dance. I had no idea what song it was (though I could tell it was Bond) but I was completely enraptured by it. So I'm glad to know that I now both know what it is and own it! :D
Time approaches for me to head down to Anchorage. I'm pretty jazzed. I leave in like five days!
I also have an interview at TDL (a temp agency) tomorrow. That reminds me, I have to run some laundry.
Well, that's all for now. Enjoy the marvelous sunshine outside, all!