Bla Bla Bla. My life. Would you like to be involved?

Sep 22, 2008 09:58

So, I have been adding a lot of new friends to my lj, which is nice, but I feel like I should give you all a cast of characters so you can understand my posts better.
Me: Im Theresa. And I never use my name in the third person. I am the baby of the family.
Jack: He is my 16 mon. old son.
Kevin MacKain: This is my sons father. I left him after a 2 1/2 year abusive relationship. He refuses to pay child support, and is a general douche bag.
The MacKains: This is Kevins family. They are all a bunch of backwards rednecks, and the only reason why I want Jack to grow up to be a gay rocket scientist.
Larry: My stepdad, he can be annoying most of the time, and when I was in HS we didnt get a long, but things are good now.
Mom: Shes my mom, duh.
Jessica: My sister, she is the middle child.
Memory: My other sister, she is the oldest.
Debbie: My stepmom, she is AWESOME.
Dad: Obviously my dad.
Allie: She is one of two of my best friends. I met her while I lived in Fl. I rarely get to see her. I call her my soul mate.
Mallory: She is the other best friend. I met her during my relationship with Kevin. She is fucking awesome.

Then there is work ppl, but I dont fee like making this list anymore. =D

1. How has LJ changed your life?
Yeah, it hasn't. It just gives me something to do, I like to pretend that some people care about the shit I think/write about. And I like to stalk people, and this is kinda an outlet for that too. AND I would love to have a stalker myself, so any takers?

2. Do you have a Facebook or MySpace account? Why/not?
I have both. I almost never use my myspace, yet I cant quite being myself to delete it. I use my facebook a little too often. These tools also help me stalk people, and facebook makes it easier to do so.

3. Is there any particular song you listen to, to jump-start your day?
No, I listen to public radio in the morning. But after work, I like to listen to something I can scream too. I like the song Deceptacon by Le Tigre.

4. Are you happy with your career? And if you don't have one or are not happy, what is your dream job?
No, I am not. I dont make enough money. I want to be a HS theater teacher.

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I am an introverted extrovert.

6. Do you believe in fate/destiny? Soul mates?
Allie is my soul mate. I dont think that soul mates have anything to do with romance, or sex, or marriage (although they can), and I also think that you can have more than one soul mate. I think a sould mate is just someone that matches you some how, and there is a deep connection. I think we make our own fate. I know what I want, and I think I can get it, but it can change at any moment.

7. Do you trust easily?
I used to. I have learned to keep my mouth shut, and to carry a big stick.

8. The last song you listened to?
Oh, shit I dont know. I dont usually listen to music in the morning.

9. What never fails to make you smile?
My son. And when ppl tell me that they like me, or when Im next in line for a roller coaster, or when I get free shit. I lOVE free stuff.

10. The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear and why did you dress fancy?
Fancy? Prom maybe. Im not one to dress up. I dress nice to work everyday if that counts. Today in particular I think I look pretty hot. But I need a belt.

11. Is being tagged fun?
Like in facebook pix? No, its not. Because usually they are really shitty pix of me.

12. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
I see myself having a 6 year old son in first grade.

13. Does it annoy you when you keep seeing the same questions in surveys?
If its repetition within the same servey, then yes.

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?.
No one tagged me, but the chick that I got this off of seems cool. I dont really know her though.

15. Would you rather be intelligent but have the weight of the world on your shoulders or ignorant and happy?
The first.

16. How many children do you want to have, if any?
I have one, and thats all I want. I dont think it would be responsible of me to add another human to this planet. But I might change my mind.

17. What would you like to name your children, if you have any?
His name is Jack Allen. I like the name Memory, thats my sisters name. If I was going to have a girl, I was thinking about the name Emily Rose, and then I remembered the movie. I like the name Benjamin, Jeremy, Emily, Apple, just an eclectic bunch of names.

18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Whoever can provide for me and my son better.

19. What's your worst habit?
Not paying enough attention to my finances.

20. If you could be any age, what age would you wish to be?
I like the age I am, and I like the age I will be.

mackain, kevin, mallory, family, allie, friends, servey, jack, life, list

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