{{Meme}} Celebratory Writing Meme!

Jan 19, 2012 20:03

So, today brought some wonderful news! I've been offered a very nice job, with not too many hours but a good chance of advancement! We'll have to see if it sticks, but until I find otherwise, I'm celebrating! And, since having new responsibility always equals role-playing and writing inspiration, a meme with a chance of both.

Pick one or two characters from the list below, and a state of mind from the other list, and a format:
   Drabble (100 words)
   Ficlet (300-1000 words)

If you pick Role-play, we can play out of the prompt with me as the chosen character, and you as whomever you like. (Medium up to discussion depending on the characters.)
If you pick Drabble or Ficlet, I'll write a piece around the prompt and chosen character(s).

Pick as many times as you like!

The Characters
My Muses (plus Bones, poor un-added muse) and/or anyone from the ygodressing
Anyone from YGO!DM
Anyone from Harry Potter
Anyone from Once Upon A Time
Farmer, Denny, Will, Sabrina from Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands
Farmer, Finn, Chase, Gill, Anissa, Selena, Harvest Goddess from Harvest Moon: Animal Parade

The Prompts
Tickled PinkInsomniacInfatuatedNervousStrivingRejectedGossipyRoughWhimsicalAwkwardDomesticCuddlyCrushedRushedPissed OffNaughtyJealousEnthralledCorneredGuilty

fic, meme, yugioh, ygodr

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