2 Muses List
1. 1 challenges 1 to a duel.
2. 1 and 2 are both at a bar.
3. 1 and 3 are in mortal peril. Only one of them can survive.
4. 1 gives 1 a make over.
5. 1 tries to steal something from 2.
6. 1 causes 3 to have a horrible accident.
7. 1 went on a short/long trip home, and tells 1 about it.
8. 1 and 2 are stuck in matching fan-service cosplay outfits!
9. 1 and 3 are getting insulted by everything the other says.
10. 2 has lost something and asks 1 to help find it.
11. 2 just grabbed the last of what 2 wanted in a store.
12. 2 has a dream about 3 and just has to share it.
13. 2 gets turned into a pet animal, and adopted by 1.
14. 2 gets sick and 2 ends up as nursemaid.
15. 2 and 3 have to work together to make something.
16. 2 finds out a secret about 1.
17. 2 and 2 think themselves an established couple.
18. 2 and 3 wake up with missing clothes.
19. 3 witnesses 1 up to something he/she would want to hide.
20. 3 is sad and 2 just has to cheer 3 up.
21. 3 confesses a crush to 3.
22. 3 manages to catch 1 off guard (be it an attack, prank, or otherwise).
23. 3 and 2 become/think themselves roommates.
24. 3 and 3 face off in a standard YGO death-risking match.
25. 3 and 1's comments are coming out all wrong. If you know what I mean.
26. 3 pretends to be a different double to get something from 2.
27. 3 tries to express feelings to 3, but 3's cheesy if positive, fumbling if hateful.
3 Muses List
1. 1, 1, and 1 play a betting game together.
2. 1, 1, and 2 are watching a movie in the same theater room.
3. 1 sets 1 and 3 up on a date, and stalks to see how it goes.
4. 1 somehow kills 2, and 1 finds out.
5. 1 is turned into a tot and convinced 2 and 2 are 1's parents.
6. 1 falls in love with 2. 3 is jealous.
7. 1 comes across 3 crying about something 1 did.
8. 1 asks 3's advice on getting 2 a present.
9. 1's taken 3 and 3 under wing, teaching them the trade.
10. 2 kidnaps 1 and demands something from 1 for 1's release.
11. 2, 1, and 2 get an amazing expanded DR room, but they have to share it to keep it.
12. 2 and 1 are in a serious fight and 3 is the witness/neutral party.
13. 2 invites 2 and 1 to dinner at a curious restaurant.
14. 2 and 2 have to team up to stop 2 at all costs.
15. 2 sneaks some sort of potion on 2 and 3.
16. 2 and 3 just got dragged into 1's personal memory world tabletop.
17. 2 and 3 are in the middle of 2's ransacked room when 2 comes home.
18. 2 and 3 need some place to stay the night, and turn to 3.
19. 3 grabs 1 to get something from 1, and 1 witnesses the grab.
20. 3, 1, and 2 get locked in a transformed DR room.
21. 3, 1, and 3 get locked outside the hotel building.
22. 3 becomes a vampire, 2 is the special snack, 1 the proclaimed slayer.
23. 3 suspects 2 and 2 are up to something behind 3's back.
24. 3 and 2 are kissing when 3 walks in.
25. 3 gets stuck in an elevator with 3 and 1.
26. 3, 3, and 2 are grabbed for shoplifting by suddenly sentient NPCs.
27. 3, 3, and 3 are victims of a three-way body swap.