Apr 03, 2009 06:48
Somedays you feel like waking up at dawn to see the sunrise, because you know that something inside of ourself is clawing out to visually experience the change within occurring in yourself.
And somedays, you feel so loud yet so quiet about something that YOU accomplished. The loudest thing you can do is close your lips right as they are bursting, words pouring out like those veins you saw inside the violet yesterday, but you remained quiet even when you noticed that the inside of that flower looked just like a cross section of your arm.
To say it in so many words, there is a high possibility of me moving to way upstate new england for the summer (and possibly past the summer) to work on a project that i have been dreaming about and looked up to for quite some time. Talk to me past LJ if you want the full scoop.
I will miss Wilson. Even if I only stay for the summer, I am transferring to some imagined place/college second semester of 2009-2010. I can't stay here anymore. Not where my only true argument in classes boil down to radicalism and liberalism (which is still a super important argument, but its weird to think that i am still part of the minority at this school as an advocate of radicalism).
Right now is a time for letting go and existing. The true labor of all of this is winding down (for now).