Jan 24, 2007 17:58
so life has been good so far i guess. i talked to one of my good friends i met in japan for the first time in a long time the other day. it was good to hear from her. if you havent noticed, my communication skills arent that great so one of my new years resolutions was to keep in touch with people more, instead of hiding in my room all the time. another one of my good friends, my best friend in fact, is going through some troubles right now. I'm sad for her but at the same time glad that a resolution has finally been made and she can start planning for her future, which hopefully is much brighter than it is now.
Some of my coworkers hosted a craft party with people from their church, and some international students from school. i'm not religious really, so listening to christian music the whole time was a little wierd but i tolerated it well. i didnt really have time to listen. i was nominated guest artist and not given much choice. imagine trying to teach 18 people how to knit/crochet/bead/paint all at the same time. it was a little crazy. i complain a lot, but it was fun and they're now planning on making it a monthly event (oh god) and unexpectedly they presented me with a gift at the end.
in other news i seem to be knitting prolificly. i think i may actually like this better than the ceramics my parents are paying good money for me to get a degree in. OOh,,, i almost graduated last semster with a BS in fine arts (concentration crafts) before i found out i was one class away from a BA- a class i was planning to take anyway for my own enjoyment after graduation. it would have cost the same and showed up on my trasncript and i would still have gotten credit for it, so i said something like "what the hell" and had my graduation pushed back and my degree changed. in May, after 6 years of college, i will finally be graduating. and i'm considering grad school. scary thought. at any rate, i need to decide soon, since the deadlines for the school i want to attend are coming up quickly.
my other friend and coworker for 3 years is leaving at the end of the week. he can no longer work on campus since he graduated this december and the minimester is over. he's enlisted in the army and is shipping out march 7th, so on friday we're going out to an irish pub with some friends to celebrate. hes going to be bored out of his mind for like a month solid with nothing to do all day. i laugh at him.
i just decided to knit a hat for someone. i wont say who. they may read this, and i want it to be a surprise. :-D it is not my army-bound friend. acutally, i dont even know if he has a lj. . . . hes one of those myspace freaks.