Happy Birthday Ughs

Aug 03, 2006 20:58


That's my word for these past few weeks. Ugh. Happily, I have an Icon that goes with it. xD Good times...

It's not that things have gone bad or good, just overly lazily in the middle. I have a ton of work to do for AP and time keeps dwindling down which makes me want to do it even less. So bleh to that.

In other news, today I am The Big 1-8! And apperantly legal... or at least I can order off T.V, Vote and buy cigs. Not that any of those things are high on my priority list, but still... Now I have bragging rights. Go me.

And yet, today hasn't been much of a birthday. In all, I don't think any of my siblings has told me Happy Birthday without some prodding on the part of my parents... I was a tad annoyed but I don't think it upset me as much as my parents thinks it does. Even so, I even feel childish over my testiness. After all my party is tomarrow, and it ought to be alot of fun, not to mention I'll be able to be able to see my friends whom I havn't see all summer... So it's kinda like moving my Birthday back a day, and not losing it at all.

But at the same time... It *is* my Birthday. I think I'm allowed to be somewhat annoyed at the fact it's felt like any other day this summer and not at all special. Whatever, I'm too hot and tired to really be annoyed or otherwise.

That and I have a ton of AP English stuff I need to accomplish... not to mention the last of my AP Art projects.

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