hey everybody..i'm trying to get an ipod for free from this awesome website i found. i checked everything out and i'm pretty sure it's legit. i had to sign up and then complete one of their offers, (i signed up for BMG music which is really Sound and Spirit and it was a SWEET deal! like 12cd's free when you buy one regular price, but i had to pay S&H on them....)and i have to get five friends to sign up and complete an offer too. i've had three people sign up but only one's completed the offer so i can't get it yet. so yeah, i'd love it if you'd help me out! here's the link:
http://www.freeiPods.com/?r=15978375 thanks thanks thanks i love all of you.....anyway...but i'd love it if you'd help me out! oh yeah and you have to have a valid credit card to do any of the offers. when you sign up you might have to go through a bunch of questionaires'....but just click no to everything and PLEASE stick with it! i'd really appreciate it! thanks!