May 11, 2007 13:57
Time to recap what I've been learning.
The key to visualization is that you must feel your picture, image, must be "in your heart" not just in your mind.
As to how you get to where you can feel something, the best I can determine is that the closer your desire or dream resembles the present moment, the less "distance" there is between your dream and reality. Therefore, there is less doubt or disbelief for you to overcome.
When you desire something far beyond your current circumstances, over time you may receive it, however in the meantime there is likely a huge gulf between your dream and your current reality and that gulf continuously tests your fears and doubts about "everything".
It's too hard to constantly "lie" to yourself, hoping that one day, you'll believe what you are telling yourself. Odds are you'll give up long before you "believe."
Hypnosis can get in quicker and you can in theory put into your head whatever you want to believe, true or not.
I'm not sure about this method because there are reasons why we are, where we are. Glossing those reasons over and putting in ideals without resolving the mechanisms that put you into your natural "rotten" current state isn't entirely sensible to me. Like wearing your best new outfit with dirty old torn underwear--something is not right about that.
Whatever we want and who we are must match.
The match needn't be 100% perfect. Perhaps only an area two will match perfectly and those will deliver results. So the focus must be on what is desired and how likely it feels as being possible. If there is a good "feel" between the two, things will work, if not, something probably happens to some degree, but we do not receive the complete satisfactions we desired.
I see two possibilities: One, keep dreams close to your current reality and expand just a tiny bit at any one time. Two, set goals that are further away but concentrate on the gains made close up...keeping an eye out on the distant goal.
This is so you can see that you are moving from point A to point B. It's best not to take your progress too seriously though, else, like traveling coast-to-coast, if you only go 2 miles in one day, your trip is going to take a long time. You may get bored or discouraged. You can't rah, rah, rah yourself to go, go, go, when you've got to cover 3,000 miles, at 2 miles per day. The "pace" does not support, rah, rah, rah.
It seems like the best combination of techniques is to remember daily the far away goals, phrased as if they have already happened. And they should be phrased in a way that cannot be disputed. If you say "I now have 10 million dollars." and then look into your bank account and see that you don't, that blows that whole concept. However if you said something like "I am creating total financial success." that is more debatable on a day-to-day basis and is harder to disprove.
So you state your goals and then be alert to thoughts that pop into your head, or to circumstances, events, and people who seem to offer traces of what might be helpful in reaching your ultimate goal.
Use the help, and then tomorrow is another day. You do it again, moving little by little, waiting for the universe to reveal a tidbit useful enough to pursue.
I'm going to boil this down more and use it as the basis for my future "work".