Openning up

Apr 03, 2007 16:02

It was funny reading my last entry because I've changed quite a bit since then.

I am now open to receive all the time. I don't think I take everything that is available to me but I do receive it or entertain it rather than reject it in a flash of a moment.

When I say I am open to receive "all the time", it's not 100% but it's close. I'm not shutting myself down so easily or so soon, I'm staying open. Surprisingly it's easy. Who knew?

I suppose it had to happen, I am now exploring hypnotism.

Once you start learning about the sub-conscious, it is clear that nearly "everything" goes on in there. The sub-conscious accepts impressions made by the conscious mind. You can either affirm over and over for a long time (which I still do), pray (which I still do), or use guided meditations or self hypnosis to get inside the sub-conscious quicker.

I used to be afraid of this kind of thing but really the mystery surrounding hypnotism is way larger than the reality. It is safe to say that we hypnotize ourselves or are hypnotized by others many times a day. Not always deeply, but it's just another form of brain function that naturally occurs. Like nearly all this consciousness stuff, when you start paying attention to things, to how you feel, to how you react, to how and what you are thinking, you find all sorts of things that you didn't know you had, that you didn't know you did. A sense of control or mastery is born.

When "in" these moments I pay attention to what happens to me--again and again. After a while a similarity or a familiarity develops. With the familiarity comes a sense of being able to control or influence all these detailed areas of myself. It becomes clear where to try something, which "button" to push.

Once you become comfortable, anything is easier to handle, easier to play with. You can direct yourself toward or away from certain things, certain thoughts; it gets to the point where we really can control our reality, our lives. Not perfectly. Not yet perfectly, but way more than I thought was possible. And again, the "doing" part is quite easy. The "getting there" is harder. But only because of barriers, beliefs, wrong impressions, fear, laziness, a long list of my own crap. But I'm progressing and that's what counts.
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