Round #73 - Info

Jul 01, 2015 00:25

Thank you for the great suggestions!!

- All icons must be newly made for this round & fit LJ standards.
- Icons needed to be 100x100 unless stated.
- No pre-made bases/PSDs may be used unless you made them.
- Do not use fanart unless you made it.
- Do not take other makers tumblr/devinart/etc graphics and cut it down to icon size.
- Do not upload your icons to Fanpop.
- Please save all of your icons in the same format!!
- Submit your entries as a new entry to this community.
- If you want to post at your own journal, post 3 teaser icons and link here. Also make sure your entry to your icon journal is public until the winners are posted.
- Use the table provided please. You may change the colors of course but keep the themes in order.
- Let me know if you want a participation banner when you post your entry. If you don't say if you want one or not, I'll assume you don't.
- I'll be putting in the tags manually after you submit your entry so you don't have to worry about it {unless you are a regular here and want to put them in for me - round73,username:yourname}.
- Put Round #73 - Your username in the subject of your entry.
- Everything must be completed by Monday, July 20th by 11:00 PM ET

Here are the themes & categories. Remember that you do not have a set theme so you may use photos of anybody/anything that you feel fits the theme. Please keep it at least PG-13. If you have any questions, comment and ask.

List of participants (you can sign up until the round ends).

(10) Themes: flower, paint*, pale colors*, peace, red + text*, soft, star, sunshine, water*, & young

paint: this can be painting or using painty looking textures.
pale colors: your icon needs to use pale colors (or one singular color if you wish).
red + text: your icon's primary color needs to be red and there needs to be text on it. Tiny text does not count.
water: this can be water or things found in the water, etc.

(5) Category: Dress Up - Make 5 icons around the theme of dress up. Imagine your ideal hair style, makeup, nail color, outfit, and accessory and make icons of them. You can include more than one example in your icon if you would like. These are in order in the table.

(5) Artist's Choice:



flowerpaintpale colorspeacered + text

SPECIAL - Dress Up

#1-hair#2-makeup#3-nail color#4-outfit#5-accessory



round73, info