banners round 66 (all)

Apr 19, 2015 23:30

Went on a banner making spree today so sorry for all of the posts in a row and for being so late!

Here are all the banners for round #66.

Please save to your computer. Do not hot link! Let me know if I made any mistakes.

Banners below the cut for: stelladelnordxd ,rosy_nic , lightrobber, midnightisclose, stargatesg1971, oh_cheezit, itsmynutella, littlemissnovel, tempertemper, svetlaya18, jellostar, rashiea, leesa_perrie, ciaimpala, & erinm_4600.

P.S. If you wanted a participation banner & just forgot to say so when you posted, comment and let me know. Check to see if you were apart of the round here

banners, round66

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