welcome to free20in20

Mar 27, 2009 21:04

Hello & welcome to free20in20!! You'll notice this community is probably similar to icons20in20 & celeb20in20 but I wanted to put my own spin to it. Here's how it'll work:

You'll post in the current sign up post to claim your spot. Unlike other communities, you won't claim a subject, you are just claiming your spot. Once the round starts you'll be making 20 icons in 20 days with different categories which are 10 themes, 5 special set, & 5 artist's choice. Now since you didn't claim a theme you can do whatever you want for the 20 icons. You can do all one celebrity or a different celebrity for each icon. You can also use stock images, caps from tv/movies, or even book art, anything really that rated about PG-13. This may end up in disaster but I wanted to put a different spin on the other 20in20 communities floating around.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or want to be affiliates, please feel free to it post here.

As of February 2011, previous dealt with affiliate requests will be screened to keep this post looking clean.

!affiliates, !modpost, !welcome, !community

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