Apr 17, 2007 21:14
Well, well. Today was certainly a long one. The difficulty in my math class has turned 180 degrees (haha math joke, sort of) and its so easy now its ridiculous! Anyway, I fell asleep in Econ to the smooth sounds of professor Leonard or something like that, and couldn't wait for english to be over (sorry Mrs Hughes love ya!). After that I helped color the crash banner which took hours, and then Laura called me through Stacy's phone to stress me out about the Gov. project lol. We finished, and it looks really good. Yay us!
On another note, Stacy's imported Dutch hotdogs or "perros calientes" were AMAZING!
Thnx Guys! See ya around :]
I would like to officially award today's point to Stacy Sluys on this EVERlasting competition aka Food Wars! (not related to George Lucas in any way whatsoever. Please do not sue me).
what's "chipper"?