(no subject)

May 02, 2006 23:01

It's starting to sink in that this week will suck a lot. *grumble* It seems that Fred just can't do shit right. I don't know. *grumble* So, now I can't even look forward to the weekend because that will be hellish too. *sulks* Yeah, ok, I'll stop complaining. We have 4.5 weeks left! History study parties are my best-est friends because they make Fred happy but she also learns stuff. I was going to try to write all the decades we covered tonight, but lj wasn't cooperating and then my debate tried to eat me.

Truman's presidency and his legacy of "containment" ended when Eisenhower was elected in 52. Einsenhower (rep) and his advisor, Dulles, stressed that containment was not good enough, communism must be pushed back, and they began the "roll-back" and "massive retaliation" policies. In 1953, the Korean War ended as a stalemate, which was a victory for containment. Iran remains independent under the Shah. In South America, the CIA was used to support brutal right-wing military dicatators. However, roll-back was not successful with Cuba falling to communism in 1959 and a Soviet Union take-over of Hungary in 1956. During the early 1950s, the fear of communism was spurred on by McCarthy's claims that there were communists working for the government. Many new social trends occurred in the 1950s as well. With the GI bill, housing was more widely available for veterans, and Levitt towns became a new phenomenon (little boxes...). Materialism and conformity were also stressed during this time period. Marketing became a much larger industy and more electronics were available. Women were no longer encouraged to be "rosie the riveters", but rather very feminine, delicate house wives.
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