haha i think u should cut yourself...it really helps release you into a sudden rush of ease and comfort and takes your stress and anxiety away...give it a try fred, you'll love it ; )
dont cut, thats stupid.. it shows thay you're weak and fuckin weird. it's basically YOUR fault for getting bad grades, SO ACCEPT THE FUCKING PUNISHMENT. a 2.7 is fuckingg horrible ! shape your ass up or you're going to Macomb CC.
don't whine about some shit that youu caused yourself.
yea and gpa isnt the only thing colleges look at, they look at extracurricular activities and ur essays and act scores. act score is just as important as ur gpa if not more. so whoever you know probably bombed the act
um actually i go to msu if you didnt see that the first time, but anyways, i got a 26 on my act and i played soccer so yeah i think you are right, but fred plays soccer and lax doesnt he?
you have no right at all to tell him to cut n if call urself a "pl" u must not be. if you are you best work harder at it. no one needs a "pal" like you. jkust leave hin alone and get a life of your own. and if you think cutting so great then u go right a head n cut urself ~*xoxo*~
your pal,
don't whine about some shit that youu caused yourself.
and its not hard. i know a kid who graduated from ur school and he had a 3.9 and didnt get into state!
u have a 2.7 that sucks
You might have mistaken state with u of m dumbass
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