Aug 19, 2008 21:27
I'm certainly happy to see that a certain "President" has left office in Pakistan, but I still have a lot of doubts about whether or not the country can get its democratic act together. Reinstating certain judges who were removed from office might be a good step or establishing firm civilian control of the military (including the Inter-Services Intelligence!) but I'm not going to be holding my breath.
Anyhow, I have two questions. In two different articles in today's Globe and Mail, I came across the following phrase "Nawaz Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League (N)." What does that "(N)" desginate? Any ideas?
The other question involves India. Why is India not mentioned in any way in this coverage? I know that the two countries are essentially enemies, but one would think Indian influence would count for something in the region. I wonder if that country's government has played any role in recent events in Pakistan? I have no evidence that they have done anything more than following developments with interest.