Nov 24, 2008 13:01
I am sitting at my desk with a sweatshirt and a sweater on and I'm about to put on some gloves. The fleece kind, not the latex kind. We got this email earlier today:
"There is a campus-wide steam problem which is affecting the heat, hot water, steam pressure for autoclaves and glass washers for all science buildings. John Doe has told me that the problem is being worked on and should be resolved by noon today."
Nobody believed it would actually be fixed by noon. This was sitting in my mailbox when I got back from seminar:
"We are working on a steam problem at the Central Heating Plant. Campus will experience low heat issues most of the day. Also, all Science equipment that requires medium steam pressure will not be able to run at this point and time."
Most of the day!? I'm thisclose to going home except that I have work to do. Stupid work. At least I don't live on campus. The poor undergrads are going to turn into popsicles by tomorrow.