Pennsic Photos

Aug 27, 2008 09:46

As usual, I've been scouting around for Pennsic photos of myself (especially since I failed to get Clewin to take any of me this year).

And, as usual, there's a number of photos of Clewin fighting in the polearm tourney. Apparently people have time to take photos on Saturday, and the big tourney is the polearm tourney.

Usually, I find a few photos of myself walking across the field or gathering arrows. This year I've found a few photos of myself in the rapier field battle. I wanted pictures of my new fighting gambeson. So far, no luck. I made it for my conbat archery rig, but wore it for most of rapier fighting at Pennsic this year (no need to go to camp and change).

There are a couple shots of me before the rapier woods battle taken by Darter. Again, I am wearing the gambeson (I couldn't find my doublet because I forgot I was using it as a pillow). Unfortunately, they are head shots.

Which also brings me to the biggest disappointment with Darter's photos. Both his wood battle and BMDL court photos are in black and white. Now, I think Darter is an amazing photographer, and I like some b/w photography. I just don't like b/w photography of SCA events. I want color! I want to be able to pick out red and gold from between the masses (or trees). More than anything else in photos, being b/w totally ruins the mood for me. Not to mention that Clewin's Landesknecht outfit just looks weird in b/w to me.

So, in summary, I am still looking for photos of myself at Pennsic.

I suppose I could just break down and get photos of my kit at practice, but that's not really the same thing.

EDIT: I found some photos!
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