So as most people will probably know by the time they read this, Don't Ask Don't Tell has been repealed by a vote of 65-31. I would like to say on the outset that if I were to serve (and that possibility has been swirling in my mind) I would have no problem whatsoever serving with a gay person. None. (A disclaimer: my father, who served in the navy
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Of course, those who think that gay marriage (or DADT) would lead to a sea change in how homosexuals are treated are wrong for precisely Dee's point. Those who get along with and love homosexuals have already made a decision to do so despite their socio-political beliefs. Those who don't have already made that decision. The state's proclaiatiom on what is or is not marriage will not change what a person decides about homosexuals. So, in short, I think all three of us agree that policy changes will not yield the intended goals. Only mind changes.
And I do agree that many gays are unfairly persectued. It's time for all people on all sides of the issue to get over it. Neither gays nor evangelical Christians will bring back the dark ages. If all people stopped looking towards stereotypes and overgenealizations (e.g. the No H8 Campaign, which by its very name argues that supporters of Prop 8 hate homosexuals and also the overly feminine stereotype for gays).
Anyway, I got a wee bit off track there. Sorry about that.
I do appriciate your response. It was nice to see that people actually read this. :)
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