The Tangled Web-Work of Names, Dates, Post-Office Addresses - Kid Flash 8-page script #7 of series 2

Jun 22, 2010 15:58

Characters: Bart Allen (Kid Flash); Max Mercury, Irey West (Impulse), and Jai West; three of Bart’s old friends from Manchester-Preston, Carol, and Wade; and supporting cast.
Rating: G.
Content: Humor.
Page Count: Eight pages of comics script.
Summary: While working simultaneously on an amateur movie for the Flash Museum and a case study for his Criminal Justice class at Keystone Community College, Bart has run into his old Manchester friend, Preston Lindsay. Meanwhile, there’s a new speedster to train and a murder mystery to solve.
Continuity: Starting from the DC Comics standard, and the news that a planned Kid Flash had been put off, I scripted a series of eight-page backup stories about Bart Allen starting here. This new series builds on that story, starting here. Bart is living in Keystone City with Jay and Joan Garrick; Barry Allen and Max Mercury are back.
Disclaimer: Kid Flash and his family and friends are owned by DC Comics under copyright and trademark laws. This pastiche is offered freely as entertainment for fans.

PAGE ONE (three panels)

Panel 1. As in the last panel of the previous installment, BART ALLEN as Kid Flash is happily greeting his old Manchester friend PRESTON LINDSAY in the latter’s apartment bedroom. PETER KARLSON, who’s making a movie with Kid Flash, looks on curiously.


Panel 2. A tangled decision chart shows BART’s thinking in this instant.

Did I just yell, “Preston”?
=> No => Good job! [cartoon Kid Flash grinning and giving a thumbs-up]
=> Yes => Oops! [cartoon Kid Flash grimaces]
Should Kid Flash know Preston?
=> Yes => Wrong! He shouldn’t.
=> No =>
Is Preston smart enough to notice?
=> No => Whew!
=> Yes =>
Can Preston recognize Kid Flash from Manchester?
=> No => I look totally different now! [cartoon Impulse, looking very much like Kid Flash]
=> Yes =>
Can Preston connect Impulse/Kid Flash to Bart Allen?
=> No => We’re totally different! [cartoon Bart, looking very much like Kid Flash]
=> Yes =>
Can Preston keep a secret?
=> Yes => What a pal! But could Preston give away the secret by accident? => Yes =>
=> No =>
Uh oh! Can Peter figure out something’s weird?
=> Yes =>
Uh oh! Can Peter tell his uncle?
=> Yes =>
Uh oh! Can Peter’s uncle tell his customers?
=> Yes!
Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think. Think!

Panel 3. Title and credits space across the bottom of the page.

The Tangled Web-Work of Names, Dates, Post-Office Addresses


PAGE TWO (five panels)

Panel 1. BART is babbling desperately to PRESTON, grin still frozen on his face, as PETER looks on.

I’m excited because I’ve never met anyone named Preston before! Maybe that’s a common name wherever it is you come from, but I’ve never, ever been there!

Panel 2. BART pumps PRESTON’s hand while looking away to hide his features as he continues to babble.

It’s great to have you editing our movie, Preston or whatever-your-name-is! Sorry I won’t be coming by a lot to talk to you, but in the next three to six months I’m going to be busy busy busy!

Panel 3. BART leans toward the door and mimes getting a radio call.

I was gonna do some investigating in front of Peter’s camera tonight, but now I’m getting an emergency call from the Titans! And the JLA!


Panel 4. PETER and PRESTON watch BART’s crackly trail fade away through the door.

Panel 5. PETER turns to PRESTON.

So you see what I’ve got to work with.

Oh yeah.

PAGE THREE (six panels)

Panel 1. BART as Kid Flash is running home at night, still holding the folder he’s appropriated from Keystone Youth Services.

BART CAP (showing BART’s thoughts):
≥Whew!≤ That came out good.

Panel 2. In the shadows behind the Garricks’ house, BART has pulled out his cell phone and is thumb-typing speedily.

Gotta tell Carol.

Panel 3. Close up of BART’s phone display, showing his text message as his thumb hits the button to send it.

y dint u tel me preston lindsay goz 2 collge n kystn?


Panel 4. In his bedroom, BART sits waiting for a response, staring at his cell phone on his desk. He’s still in his Kid Flash outfit, but he’s pushed back the mask and taken off the gloves. He’s tapping his fingers and one foot, all jittery.

Come on come on come on! What’s taking you?

Panel 5. Close up of CAROL’s cell phone as her fingers type a reply.

didnt know abt preston. lost touch w/most bama guys since leaving 4 sci acdmy. wade stays in touch w/every1. his # is 334-55[cut off]

Panel 6. Back in BART’s bedroom, his cell phone receives CAROL’s text, but he’s fallen into open-mouthed slumber on the bed.

PAGE FOUR (six panels)

Panel 1. It’s morning. BART rushes out of the Garricks’ house in his Kid Flash clothes to join MAX MERCURY, who is running by in full uniform. BART is stuffing the folder into his backpack as he runs.

Training Day!

Panel 2. Inset. MAX and BART are standing side by side, looking down into the foreground, both smiling.


Panel 3. Full-figure view of IREY WEST in her Impulse costume, looking very proud. Her brother JAI looks on glumly from the background.


Panel 4. MAX lays out his plan for IREY’s training that day.

We’ll start with laps around the Great Lakes.

Bart, we’ll be back in three hours.

Panel 5. BART reacts with hurt disbelief as MAX and IREY disappear into the distance at superspeed. JAI comments in the background.

What?! You’re leaving me behind?

Now you know I feel.

Panel 6. Inside the Wests’ house, JAI mopes while BART’s mind is still half focused on being left behind.

No one’s interested in a guy with no powers.

That’s not true, Jai. Some of my best friends are totally powerless!

PAGE FIVE (five panels)

Panel 1. JAI and BART are slumped on opposite sides of the living room, each stewing in resentment. BART has changed into his regular clothes.

You wanna play some videogames?

You’d just let me win.

That’s what you told me to do.

But it’s no fun if I know.

Panel 2. BART sits up while JAI stays slumped.

So I won’t let you win!

Then I’d lose, and that’s no fun, either.

Panel 3. BART is becoming more exasperated as he becomes more bored.

Okay, you have any homework I can help with?

I did it already.

Panel 4. BART seats himself at a table and pulls the folder out of his backpack.

Well, I have homework to do.

I’m taking a college class in Criminal Justice.

Panel 5. JAI has come over to the table to watch, still without showing much interest. BART is doing a slow burn.

I know. Dad was laughing about that on Saturday.

PAGE SIX (six panels)

Panel 1. BART explains to JAI the very hard, very important work he’s doing.

Look. This is a file about a guy named Raemond Ferguson who got killed six weeks ago. I have to read it for clues about who his enemy was.

Panel 2. BART flips through pages and scribbles on a pad at speed as JAI watches.

So I’m writing down all the street names in the file to see what the initials spell. And adding up all the dates and converting that number to binary and spelling it out in ASCII--

Panel 3. JAI peers dubiously at some of the pages BART’s already read.

That looks kind of complicated.

This is how we investigate unsolved crimes, Jai.

Panel 4. BART does a bit of boasting.

See, I’ve met the Riddler! I helped capture the Joker! I work with Robin!

That angry kid?

No, the real one.

Panel 5. JAI starts pointing out things in the file to BART.

Okay, but it looks to me like Raemond Ferguson’s enemy was this guy Darrin Chambers.

They had a fight two years ago. That’s why Raemond was on probation, and Darrin went to juvenile detention.

Panel 6. JAI continues thinking out loud as BART looks on in surprise.

And look, here’s Darrin’s birthday. Seven weeks ago he turned eighteen--and got out of jail.

Wait. What?

PAGE SEVEN (four panels)

Panel 1. JAI skeptically accuses BART. In response, BART is imagining the scene in Panel 2.

Wait a minute! That wasn’t hard.

You let me figure that out, didn’t you? So I feel like I can do stuff without powers?

Panel 2. BART’s thought balloon shows him considering one way he could respond to JAI:

Yes, that’s exactly what I did. I’m definitely not that stupid.

I was just letting the little kid win.

Panel 3. Back in real life, BART fesses up to JAI.

No, you really did spot the prime suspect before me.

Yeah, right.

Panel 4. JAI is suddenly hugging BART, who’s pleasantly surprised.

Thanks, Cousin Bart!

PAGE EIGHT (six panels)

Panel 1. Once again in his Kid Flash uniform with backpack, BART is outside the Wests’ house, bidding JAI goodbye. In the background, MAX is giving some final advice to IREY, who looks mentally exhausted.

What I should’ve said, Jai, was that most of my very best friends in school never knew that I had powers. They liked me.

Okay, Cousin Bart, I get it. See you Saturday?


Panel 2. BART is running home, pulling out his cell phone.

Those were great guys back at school.

Panel 3. Close up of BART’s phone as he types a message, which scrolls off the bottom of the screen..

hey wade its bart allen! No rlly! carol b gave me this # jst thnkin bout gd times back n mnchstr [cut off]


Panel 4. Close up of another cell phone held by another white kid as we see the rest of the message.

[cut off] n college now cant get 2gthr busybusybusy but want u 2 kno i remembr!

Panel 5. WADE from Manchester reads the message on his phone. He’s of college age, with a grungy little first moustache and goatee. Instead of big round glasses, he’s wearing a pair with thin rectangular lenses.


Panel 6. WADE is talking on his cell phone.

Hey, Pres, it’s Wade. You’ll never guess who just sent me a text--Bart Allen! And get this--his line’s got a Keystone area code! So keep an eye out for him there, okay?

Continued here.

irey west, bart allen, kid flash, jai west, max mercury, comics scripts, impulse

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