(no subject)

Sep 21, 2007 23:59

Today has been going awesome because of the following:

1. I got a guest commendation at work. (EGO BOOST!) Also it will make applying for the coaching job that much easier.
2. There was a payroll error so that means I have a bonus cheque coming this week and it's more money than I thought!
3. Class was really good today. It's sick how well PR fits me like a glove, I'm gonna end up selling my soul but oh well...at least there's Vegas.
4. Tomorrow (technically today) is Saturday which means gaming and we're starting a new RPG which involves alot of magic. For those of you who don't know, the equation involving me and magic goes like this: RPG + Magic + Silliness + Epic Adventure = HAPPY COUG!!
5. It's a pay day and I picked up another issue of Battle Pope (I love this series!), a second Kyle Baker Plastic Man trade (Baker is now one of my Top 5 favourite comic book artists) and a Dr. Fate/Eclipso split trade called Countdown to Mystery. If there is any justice in the FREAKING WORLD, this series won't delve into the b.s. there doing now with Countdown which is just confusing and re-donk-ulous. I like what they've done so far though, the same goes with the Booster Gold series and the Metal Men as well. Now there's a Black Adam series that I'm skeptical on and now that I'm getting some extra cash I'm going to go buy that Parallax issue but aside from that DC's been a bit of a snoozefest lately. I haven't bothered with JSA since the Legionnaires crossover because as my former roommate / best friend #3 / compadre and I have talked about it's just meh. I think it's about time that I start collecting volumes of Preacher.
6. Oh yeah there was one other thing that I wanted to mention....oh yeah! MY BROTHER'S GETTING MARRIED!!!


Coug :)
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