Apr 22, 2007 16:00
Cho Seung-hui
Michael Carneal
Eric Harris
Dylan Klebold
...None of these men should ever have a thought cast their way ever again...they are cowards and murderers...I was bullied and I have felt alone just like these _______, maybe even worse but I didn't go out and get a gun, I didn't ROB people of their lives! I feel no sympathy for any of these ______ at all. I mourn those whom have died because of their selfish cowardness, I mourn those whom die needlessly everyday around the world and I will continue to believe that even though the peoples of this plant seem cold and uncaring sometimes, even though we all ask "why do we even bother?" There are still many reasons why we all be united someday, somehow and that will be the best day in humanitys history. There you go Dr. King, how's that for a dream?