What have we become America?

Oct 31, 2007 22:39

I SHOULD be studying right now.
2 exams tomorrow, not ready for either.

I feel so sick >_<
I just need a weekend on my own to sleep and recover. LOLZ, good one.
It seems like all I've done is sleep and nap in the last 24 hours, yet I feel like I haven't slept for days, and I have a constant, dull headache.

I really miss all my friends from downstate.
I can't believe I haven't heard from them in SO LONG.
I can't believe I barely said goodbye to Daniela..I may never see her again, and I didn't appreciate the time we had together. I kind of hate myself for that, but I try not to think about it, I don't have the energy to cry right now.

Karsen leaves for France tomorrow.
He'll be gone for 2 months.
I am in denial.

I've been missing an old friend a LOT lately. An unreasonable amount. I need to get over the relationship, it's not going anywhere. But I guess I don't want to get over it, or I would have..

I really, really don't like the girl my friend likes. How do I tell him, I barely even know her..but honestly. I want to punch her in the baby-maker. Maybe I'm too possessive..or maybe he should protect his heart more.

WOW that was a great hour long study break!
Back to work, dangit!

Thank God we're talking about it now. I am going to rip that girl apart limb by limb. You do NOT mess with my family like that.
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