Jan 17, 2006 21:44
Well, well, well:
My Broadband access mysteriuously went as dead as a doornail on Saturday night. After a lot of calls to Comcast Customer Service (don't bother with the level 1 reps; they are HORRIBLE- get a supervisor) I finally got the tech guy over today (after he missed two appointments) and he checked our account and our signal strength (signal strength is OK) and disagnosed the cause of the loss of our connectivity as a bad cable modem (the old one was rented from Coomcast for $2 or $3 a month and lasted five years). He set up a new one, and after jiggling about with the account, it came back up; everything, that is, but by e-mail address (because it is technicially a secondary on Gail's account-she has had this account with Comcast for like 18 years).
I thus have changed my e-mail address; most of you who read here should have gotten the letter already with the new address; won't post it here as I don't want tons of spam hitting there yet.
All in all, the problem got fixed, but it made my weekend really lousy, going back to dial-up.