
Apr 04, 2005 14:14

I would say I've had a hectic few weeks, but I'd be lying. I've been looking for jobs, no doubt, but in vain as I haven't even had a rejection letter from anyone. The dingyage is harsh. Oh well.

Well apart from jaunts to the Art School and the Catty etc. in recent times (and several encounters at the Arlington of course), I've been trying to conserve money. Not likely with the east coast lads back for the hols.

We fux0r3d the pub quiz last night, but there were cunts who got many obscure questions right so I don't think we really stood much of a chance. Bar Oz quiz tonight though! Been drinking shitloads of green tea which must be good for me somehow.

Man I wish the weather would be nice. Just for a week or so, just to remind me how nice it is to chill in the park with my best pals (and tons of random cunts too as the case may be). Anyway, here's a thought to cheer everyone up: Ali Blackwood watching Mullerice explode in the microwave, thinking he's watching Patrick Moore on TV...
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