Jun 05, 2013 09:53
Even though I come from Ohio, I don't spend a huge amount of my life striking up conversations with strangers, because that usually doesn't end well for me, especially in NYC. But, I do like to pass on a compliment to fellow commuters or what have you, because I think it can be a nice experience - so if I see someone with a neat shirt or hat or bag or something, and I'm walking alongside them, I like to say, "hey, I like your awesome shirt!" NYC is full of lots of people with lots of stylin' - and I've run across more than the usual amount of things I want to pass on compliments about lately. But infallibly, when I get near the person in question, they're listening to headphones. More people than not are walking around without headphones, at least for right now. Is there some undiscovered link? If I start listening to music, will I dress better? TELL ME.
new york,
communal living