I cheated death.

Feb 14, 2005 00:19

I went driving tonight. I did it primarily because I like driving in the rain, partially because I just like driving, and also because I needed to get out of the house. Anyway, more on that later. FIRST I need to tell you about how I cheated death. Yes that’s right.

So I was driving west on Lake-Cook in Palatine. I had the car on cruise at about 52 mph. The speed limit is 45 and if you time it right, cruising at 52 will get you through every green light. So I’m cruising along and looking at the road and stuff cause they’ve just redone it. I had just passed Deer Park Blvd and I was coming up to Quentin Road. The light at Quentin turned green when I crossed the Deer Park intersection and seeing as how Quentin road was about a half mile away, I didn’t think I’d make the light. But I did end up making the light.

As I approached the intersection, I was noticing how it was now setup after the reconstruction. The cars on Quentin Road were set back farther when stopped at a red light. At the very same instant as recognizing this, I also happened to turn and look directly in front of me at the side of a Honda Accord. Yes, that’s right, some fuckface blew the light going northbound on Quentin Road. I had to swerve slightly, but it wasn’t too bad. I missed him by mere inches. At least it wouldn’t have been my fault. Moments later I started thinking about the whole thing. What if I had pressed the gas just a bit harder a few miles back when I was setting the cruise control and had set it just a bit higher? What if I wasn’t using cruise control at all? I missed the guy seriously by inches. Had I been going only slightly faster or had he been going only slightly slower, the crash would have been fatal. I was going 52 and he was probably going the same speed seeing as how the speed limit on Quentin is the same as on Lake-Cook. Even weirder is the fact that just before the could-be crash I was looking in the direction of where we would have ended up had we hit each other. We would have hit those cars stopped at the light, no matter how much further back they now stop due to the reconstruction. Weird, huh? But it doesn’t stop there.

A few days ago, my friend Sarah Hale elvishorli from Grand Rapids who I met through LJ and then met at the Scissor Sisters concert in Chicago last December had a dream that I died. We had been talking today about how her dreams usually come true to some degree and how horrible it would be if the dream that I died came true. So I started thinking about that. I had to call her and tell her about my near death experience, because I just could not stop thinking about it. After I finished telling her my story and adding in all the logistics, she goes, "You know what the weirdest thing is?" I was afraid to ask, "Uh, no?" "In my dream you were in a car accident."
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