Feb 24, 2008 20:54
Did I mention yet how stoked I was that "Once" won best song over the other entries-- THREE of the five being from the same movie? And how amazing was it that they brought back the pianist to give her thank yous? I think the Oscars making out because it's Hollywood is pretty much the cutest non sequiter ever.
SO- "No Country" won out over "There Will be Blood" 4 with awards to 2. I've got to admit that I'm conflicted about this, mainly because while "No Country" is indeed the concentration and refinement of all the things that make a Coen Bros film so unique and exciting, there is a quality that "There Will Be Blood" has which I feel like I haven't come across in the films of the last 10 years or so-- especially academy award nominees.
"There Will Be Blood" in my opinion is a movie for the film major generation-- P.T. Anderson in fact, in my opinion, encapsulates a lot of what it means to study film in that respect, as well as the struggle that is trying to channel your inspirations, receiving criticism, and adjusting your approach. "Hard Eight", "Boogie Nights", "Magnolia", and "Punch Drunk Love" always struck me as films more concerned with satisfying their director's ambitions than their audience at large, and "There Will Be Blood" is no different in that respect. I think that's part of what struck me about the film-- the fact that so many people (as evidenced by the acceptance speeches of the cinematographer and Day Lewis especially) were invested in this man's crazy vision, well-- that's kinda of what you come away with in film school: the idea that a daring amount of creativity and sureness trumps all. Hence "Citizen Kane". Hence "8 1/2". Hence "every movie they make you watch in school".
So, though I didn't really realize that I wanted "There Will be Blood" to win for sure (i figured Atonement had a lock as a 'safe' win for the academy), when they kept showing P.T. Anderson sitting there slightly beleaguered and not too hopeful, I felt like it had to win, because it shouldn't...if that makes any sense.
p.s.- how great was it when Colin Ferrell almost wiped out on the slippery floor in front of the podium and mentioned it-- only so that Harrison Ford could nearly bite it a moment later? And man, speaking of which...he wasn't sounding too hot, was he?