Look long and hard-- this is Greenland.
In "An Inconvienent Truth" Mr. Gore explains that when melt water pools on a glacier, it absorbs sunlight that would otherwise be reflected by the ice, thereby melting more ice and adding to the pooling water. The melting continues beneath the pool until you have a long tunnel through the glacier down to the ocean. These pools
accelerate the melting of the glacier exponentionally, and when there are enough holes the glacier splits into smaller fragments.
This is notable because if half of Greenland and half of Antartica were to melt (something that is very feasible), it would raise sea level dramatically...enough to displace over a million people in parts of Europe and Asia alone...
Also, the massive influx of warm fresh water from Greenland's melting would potentionally be enough to shut down the natural flow of warm and cold air and water in the Atlantic...something that happened after the last ice age when the glaciers in North America melted and formed the great lakes...and when it happened back then, it threw Europe back into another Ice Age for 1000 years.
I wish I had studied medicine, or engineering...something with some worth to the greater good. Some skill that could be of use of things get crazy in the coming years. But, I went to Film school and can't even drive stick.
So yeah.
In other news I need a hair cut and I'm not so sure this neck beard is really working out.