Jan 01, 2005 14:57
WOO new years eve was fun .. well kathryne spent the night on thursaday and then hung out with her all day yesterday and then we went to Sonnys and then i went over to kathrynes to get some stuff then we went to Prechesss's house .. and then regie picked kathryne. danielle. prechess. and I us and lary was wwith him and we went driving around trying to find this party but of course we couldn't so we went to tylers house
lol and then went to steck -n- shake and got some water since we were broke .. lol .. yeah and then we went back to tylers house to watch the ball drop .. it was awesome !! 2005 !! woo so anyways we left there and went back to Ps house and got food then went to the park and we saw an ARMODILLA .. it was awesome ! we got a picture and then regie came back and waited with us up at Winn Dixie for Jerry and Bobbie .. i don't even know these people but yeah and as we were waiting there was this lady that was drunk off her ass that asked to use our cell phones it was sad but kinda funny at the sametime .. so then we went to treys house and there was a bon fire it was pretty sweet and so we chilled there til like 4 then we had to go back to Ps house .. and then we slepted and i woke up this morning at 9:30 and everyone else woke up at like 1:30 .. lol it was great so my mom picked kathryne and I up and took her home and then i got some Cheeckers for lunch ..YUM and well here i am . :) hope everyone had a great new years ! :):)