Jun 22, 2006 21:55
So I took this quiz that Jon mentioned in an earlier post. I thought the results were pretty interesting. My wife got a kick out of them too...
So, the top 5 cities for me to live in based on my choices are:
5) Lewisburg, PA
4) Jamestown, NY
3) Plattsburg, NY
2) Augusta, ME
1) Lewiston, ME
I find it very interesting the the top two cities from my quiz are not only in Maine, they're within miles of the town where my wife grew up. I also found it interesting that a solid 6 out of the 24 total are in Maine, most very close to this same area.
Then again; Easton, PA was on this list so I don't know how much validity it has. Many friends and family members seem to mock the place. I've not spent a lot of time in Easton and I liked it last time I was there. I suppose I wouldn't know unless I tried it.
I guess I want my friends to chime in and give their thoughts and opinions. I definately plan to move somewhere North in the next few years, mainly because I've kinda grown to hate the South. Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if I was away from it for a little while but for now my mind is made up. I'm tired of this crappy town and bad attitudes. I suppose I have a bad attitude too.
My wife thinks it's only going to be harder to move if we wait longer- more friends and connections to leave behind, more business and financial ties, etc. I would argue that it's not the case. I have some very specific goals before moving, many of which are oriented toward making a move easier such as getting rid of some of the various things I've acquired from my numerous projects and hobbies over the years. In fact it's my primary motivation for staying for a little while yet- cleaning up loose ends and preparing things so that the move will less painful and I'll be more able to earn a living once we move North.
So whadya think? Should we move soon (as in 6 months to a year) or move in 2-5 years?