[music| It's Only Love - The Beatles] Hey there!
Here are some of my favorite Sean videos for everyone to enjoy....
here's the french interview on "taratata" : It's all in french (he's sexy talking in french) but it's worth it, he talks about the album, about julian and does a little "bipbapbap" live...and accompanies his bif brother with some "alternative percussion vocals"....
see yourselves very enjoyable interview...!
Plushe performs Dead meat live ( in my favorite live version i must admit)
Sean Lennon French tv Dead Meat plus interview - Part 1 Sean Lennon - interview plus "Dead Meat" solo - part 2 And there's also the tomorrow show interview availuable (also 2parted)
Sean Lennon - interview plus "Tomorrow" solo - part 1 Sean Lennon - interview plus "Dead Meat" solo - part 2 And the best of them all is that cute one....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSTRW8DwrXA It's like a promo or sth and he opens it with a joke (i won't give it away)
PS.Sorry i didn't know how to make them appear in this page without the link.... :(
Can anyone fill me in, in this one?