Vale Pooka

Oct 29, 2008 12:49

*sigh* I pretty much have decided I suck at giving grieving people comfort, or at least the ones I care very much about anyway.

Long story short - for those of you who know P you’ll also know about Pooka. Sadly last night we had to take Pooka to the emergency vet, the outcome of which was that Pooka was put to sleep. He’d been sick for a little while, but got dramatically worse last night, hence the visit to the vet.

I’m not going to go into the finer details of why I think I suck, I will just say that I never feel that I am doing enough or providing enough support, both emotional and physical. I tend to sit back and let the other person talk if they wish, rather than trying to draw them into conversation and I’m not sure this is the best thing. I’m tentative about going into personal space to provide hugs, ‘cos, what if they don’t want it? Probably dosen't help that I was upset as well, both about Pooka and at seeing P so very upset.


Anyway, please think your best thoughts for P.

vale, sad, life

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