
Aug 21, 2008 07:21

Hamstrung by lack of LJ access at new work - so posting rarely.

big thoughts about sharing and while for other people I believe a problem shared is a problem halved, why can't I do that myself. I, instead feel that I would be burdening the person I should naturally share such things with. This even comes down to when I have had a day from hell, a la Tuesday. Vague explanation from me about how busy it was, but nothing more. mostly because I don't want to burden someone who's already got their own stuff to deal with, but also because I'm not sure there's interest in what I have to say or support there. In fact I'm fairly sure there's really not that much. (could just be the tired pessamist talking though)

How do you do it?

Off to work, I should be there already actually.


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