(no subject)

Jun 23, 2006 01:54

They had been planning it for awhile, now. Planning and scheming of the different ways to do it. Fred had tossed out extravagent ideas, but George would shoot them down. Surprisingly. He wanted to go out with a bang, but not a huge bang. Just one that let their professors know that the boys could easily graduate, they just chose not to.

When it came time for their first NEWT, their Defense Against the Dark Arts one, they walked into the classroom, but as soon as their exams had been flipped over, they loudly left the Great Hall.

Running up to their Dorms, the boys grabbed their stuff and, shoving it into the trunks, began making their way downtairs. As they went, they greeted students and ghosts, though they did not run into any faculty.

It was lunch hour by the time they reached the Great Hall. Leaving their trunks outside, they loudly entered.

"Hogwarts!" they yelled, in sync. "Can we have your attention, please?"

The silence that hung over the Hall was thick, all eyes turned onto the twins.

The Weasley's pulled their wands out, and with a wave of them, covered the floor with a thin layer of uncleanable slime. "It's been fun!" yelled Fred.

"We've left a few presents for you!" George shouted, as well. "All throughout the castle!" They had, too. There were puddles of goo, corridors of ice, and a few classrooms they'd rigged to explode with Filibusters as soon as the doors opened.

"Come by our shop, 6437 Diagon Alley. Discounts to all Hogwart's Students!" They beamed at their peers, gave Professor McGonagall an extra special wink and wave, and then turned and ran out of the Hall.

The twins grabbed their brooms, and levitating their trunks, hopped on them.
With a loud roar from them (and probably from the crowd that had rushed from the Great Hall to see them off) the two pushed off and flew out the doors.

ooc: REACT! This is BIG! Eveeeeeeeeeeryone!
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