this feels akward

Jul 11, 2005 09:51

you know allie is bored when she updates her live journal. right now i am bleaching my teeth. i have two trays of goo in my mouth and i cannot speak for an hour. i tried watching tv but there was nothing on. i also tried listening to my ipod but i only listen to about 3 songs over and over and for some reason that didnt seem all that fun at the moment. the lightbulb when on in my little brain and said allie update your live journal! so here i am. well so far my summer has been going quite well. i just started "working" aka volunteering at pocantico hills day camp as a cit. its alright i guess. they stuck me with the kindergarten so i have 20 brats with me for 6 hours a day 5 days a week. on my down time i have been attemtping to exercise which hasnt gone as well as i had expected. ive gone jogging twice and have been swimming a few laps in the pool here and there. nothing that big. hopefully this week ill use the olympic size swimming pool at camp to my advantage seeing as i have an employee pool pass. sadly i havent taken any dance classes yet and i hope to get around to doing that as well. i also havent started summer reading or euro work yet. ill get on it. the nike slogan is "just do it"....mine is "just do it...tomorrow"..haha. but overall this summer has been going pretty well. im not bored out of my mind everyday because of work and my friends and i have done some pretty crazy shit(i lied. we only did one bad thing) considering we're prudes and dont do ANYTHING on the rebellious side.. and its only july 10th. hopefully the summer continues at this pace. i know this is the most boring post of all time but hey guess what my hour is up and i can spit out my goo. i almost forgot how much i loved this thing. maybe ill update in a decade or so.

Captain Allie over and out.

PS- Anyone who reads this have a great summer :-)
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