(no subject)

Jan 05, 2006 18:44

i got a haircut today for the first time in a year. i forgot how much i love haircuts, even though i'm afraid of scissors. don't worry--it's just a half an inch off the ends.

i got into el salvador again! which reminds me...i'm in terrible horrible no good very bad shape. and with no time to go to the gym, i need to not eat as much as i do.

i've been thinking long and hard about school next year. here's the tentative list:
ap english
ap euro
ap psychology
latin 4
humanities 1 (honors)
either drama/film studies or women's studies, but i'm afraid the latter won't be as awesome as WOMN at CTY. but with drama i'll have to be in one acts. which takes up a lot of time.

notice: NO MATH OMG YAY!!!

and i've also been considering taking the CTY distance ed in AP latin...thoughts?
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