Jun 19, 2012 22:56
Today we had a training session with a trainer, and we've learned a lot. Mischka showed herself from the very best side :) She was very responsive and obedient.
The things I will be doing differently from now on:
1. Never repeat a command - say it once and wait patiently for dog to figure out why she is not getting her praise yet.
2. Consistency! If I am in a situation when I cannot wait for Mischka to execute the command, I should not be asking her to do anything.
Still in the very beginning with the scent training. Last time she simply refused to sniff at the sample - turned her head away, and more away, and then just got up and sat on my lap! I think that maybe sample was getting too old (is it possible?), so I am defrosting the new one right now, hopefully this will help. We are planning to meet with the special alert dog trainer to troubleshoot this process.
We also need to start teaching her correct behavior in public places. We got her the 'service dog in training' vest, and she went to a couple of restaurants with us. And she was very good - laid under the table, no problem. But when we go to the store, she is getting way too excited - needs to sniff everything and pulls a lot on the leash. So this is the next step - starting to train her to behave better in public places.